Friday, June 6, 2008

It's 2:00 p.m. in Branson, MO

Greetings world travelers! I hope this post finds you all well and having tons of grand adventures! As for me, I am spending a 24 hr period away from kamp (camp with a K is how we do it at Kanakuk) in the lamest town in the world, Branson. In case you were wondering Branson gets about 7 million tourists a year, why i have no idea, but you can imagine what that makes traffic like when there is only one main road that has two lanes. Also I am currently writing from Panera Bread and am literlly cornered by old people (they run this town). But that is ok because I have been able to check the blog, read about what ya'll are doing, and live my life through you guys. And I got to talk to Thomas and Cody in Barcelona and Kelly in Spain with Skype, yay!

Anyway, I am about to finish my first week of kamp. I have been residing in Teepee 4 with 11 ten year olds and my co-counselor Maggie. With the exception of a minor catamaran mishap where I got myself and 5 kampers blown half way across Tablerock Lake, all is well. The theme for my kamp this summer is Gladiators which is so fun because I get to see about 100 boys from the ages of 7 to 12 dress up like little killing machines and hit each other with their fake swords once a week for the next six weeks (if you have never witnessed something of this nature, it is very amusing). And my girls get to be princesses which is also quite fun. I am excited about being here for the next 5 weeks and will hopefully have a few more stories to tell. I love you all and cannot wait to be reunited back in C-Stat!!!!

Katie "I HATE Branson" McGrath

P.S. Write me letters!!! (please)

Katie McGrath
364 K-Seven Drive
Lampe, MO 65681


courtney said...

spelling kamp with a 'k' is the only way it's done.

Thomas said...

there is nothing comforting to say about Branson, sorry