Monday, June 8, 2009

I'm Winning!

11:50 PM Highland Village, Tx

45 degree knee bend.  More exciting than Alex's soon-to-be NY adventure.  But not more exciting than Heidi and Spencer's wedding.  Or the fact that Twilight won Best Kiss and Best Movie against the gay guys in Milk and the rest of the cast of Milk at the MTV Movie Awards.

Yes, even more exciting than the man on TV with the green question mark jacket that teaches people how to get money from the government. 

And definitely not more exciting than this...

Miss you guys.  I found this picture today during my break between trying to get money from the government and figuring out a solution to my latest quandary*. 

*Hypothetically, if you had a tattoo on your back that your mother didn't know about but you're about to go on a cruise so she's going to find out, what would you do?  This could get worse than Jon and Kate's situation.  And I'm not just talking about Kate's hair (AHHH!).  


P.S. Congrats Alex.  Thats very Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!


Thomas said...

you should act just as surprised as she is

"...wha, what? what are you talking about mom? Oh my gosh!"

That'll get her, you're great at that crap

Alex said...

Tell her you passed out drunk and woke up married to a large, African-American (that's for you, Smithy) man in Cancun, and that he tattooed you, among other things, against your will.

Then she won't think about your tattoo anymore.

P.S. NYC is still up in the air for me, but I appreciate your use of the "biggest word you've ever heard," so thanks.

P.P.S. We miss you, too. Come visit CST.

Max Golden said...

Don't worry Alex! I had a dream you went!

aaron said...

I hate that guy with the question marks