Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Long Transit to the Land of Obama

9:44 PM (West coast...)

Hello all, 

Well I recently returned from a week long escapade to Washington D.C. for an event called Lobby Days with Invisible Children. I decided to fly out to D.C. with a standby ticket, because I saved $200. I flew from San Diego at 6am
 and got stuck in Dallas for six hours waiting for room to open up on a flight, but I finally made it to D.C. And let me tell you that DFW does not have six hours worth of entertainment to offer. Paige I hate Dallas.

So, I had to opportunity to lobby to senators and reps (but I failed to mention that I did not form part of the constituents since I am not a citizen...) oops! Well I had a blast spending the week visiting famous sights of this nation's core, visiting museums, and of course going out on the town. IC had a VIP party for celebrities and staff that attended our event. Don't worry about it...I met Owen Wilson and he's a lot shorter 
in person than I imagined. For those of you that were wondering...

Now, on my flight home. I flew out of D.C. at 6am (once again bright and early) and this time I got stuck in Chicago for 13hrs! I had no friends, no ipod, no magazines, and two hours of sleep from the previous night.  The most exciting thing that happened was that I got to watch Oprah's boyfriend, Stedman, board a flight that I deserved to be on. 

After all, I truly loved Washington D.C. and all of you Americans should be proud to have such wonderful capital. 



Alex said...

"The Land of Obama" ??

Quit! They're already this close to putting him on the $15 dollar bill!

matt said...

is where i'll be
glad you had fun
now i got to run

aaron said...

oprah has a boyfriend? But shes so annoying!

GregV!! said...

I'm glad that you didn't let your citizenship stand between you and your dreams. Si,se puede!

Wayne, M. said...

did you really meet owen wilson? that guy is my hero!