Saturday, May 10, 2008

A Clarification of Sorts

1:00 a.m.
Texarkana, Texas- where the Living is Twice as Nice

It has been brought to my attention that some of you (Aaron) are slightly confused about what the actual, intended purpose of a blog is.  It is not a way to "keep up with each other," because, regretfully, no one really cares what you've been up to.  A blog, this one in particular, is in fact a writing competition.  Each post made to "What Time is it Where You Are?" should be a calculated and quite planned inclusion, as each and all will be judged by a panel of highly distinguished professionals (i.e. Alex, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Homer).

This evening when I opened up my Macbook Pro 2.16 Ghz laptop (made by Apple in California) I expected to be taken on a journey the likes of which I had never seen, to be swept away into a tale of mischief, where hilarity ensues at every corner.  Unfortunately, this was not so.  I was instead greeted by a post that actuallycontains the phrase, and I quote, "my no so exciting life."  The author of this post, whom we will call, Piage, must not have understood that we want to be entertained by the literary perfection coming from each and every word that alights onto our computer screens (mine is a Macbook [Pro]).   We do not want to be bored with the mundane rigors of daily life, or ponderings about our so-called "feelings."   I'm sure that Piage had good intentions, but his/her approach was just all wrong.

If we take nothing else from this, remember this one simple thing; blogging is not for "fun" or "information regarding one another's whereabouts" or "sentimental value" or even "because we 'care' about our friends."  Blogging is a competition, and you don't want to be a loser, do you?

With my Best Regards,

*** Please disregard this post, it was a playful attempt at humor.  "Piage" is a fictional character created only for the sake of creation.

**** I'm just kidding, this post was for real.

***** "Piage" is actually Paige Smiley, I don't like her.

****** Paige Smiley is selling a circa-2000 Black (Blue?) Volvo in great condition for only $350.  She's a highly motivated seller and loves phone calls, emails, and personal visits.  She can be contacted at (214) 418-1116.  You would think I was joking if I told you her email address.

******* Ok, it's


katherine said...

zach....i agree completely with the content of your argument. This is a writing competition and i simply dont give a damn about the mundane lives of the people posting. However zach, your post lost any and all merit when you started to interject you're personal life (do you think i care about what kind of computer you type on). dont be a hypocrite-keep your personal life to yourself and stick to entertaining. as for me, i am going to bed because i worked a long 9 to 5 hour job and i have my old youth leader's wedding to attend tomorrow and i have a headache......

aaron said...

katherine: I love the irony of telling zach to leave personal info out and wrapping up with a personal tale. Either you did it on purpose or you are terribly narcissistic. I'll leave it up to your conscious to tell you which.

zach: I just lol'ed a whole bunch, a great post to you! Especially the "Alex, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Homer" part. I'm sorry I erred to the degree that I did in my post.

Alex said...

It's called satire, ladies and gentleman, and Mr. Witt has done it exceedingly well.

I might miss him if he weren't such a jerk off.

paige said...

ok i admit it...i laughed really hard and then got pissed and then showed my dad who proceeded to laugh at me....
let the writing competitions begin
my last post was just an opening example of a riveting (edge of your seat-not just your everyday) writing by our patron scott...enjoy :)

paige said...
