Saturday, May 3, 2008


It's 4:24 P.M. in Armpit, Texas. 

Today, I've already done a load of laundry; I've eaten my bagel; I've replaced the blinker-bulb in my car; I've eaten lunch; I've had two pots of coffee; I've arranged my pencils so the tips all face the same way, and I've resisted the urge to watch television once twice. 

There has yet to be any studying. 

Sometimes I'm the most productive when I'm trying to avoid production altogether. 
Strange, yes? So, in the spirit of avoiding the things I ought to be doing, I thought I'd turn you on to The Sartorialist. It's a nifty little corner of the interweb that should prep us all for the fashion-shock ahead. So, study up, kids, because in less than a month, you could be canoodling with a foreigner in this very archway. 

Don't you want to look the part?

- A.


Growing Dallas said...

well done- a brilliant first post from mister toney

aaron said...

i very much agree. well said alex

Colin said...

are you suggesting that this is what you're going to be wearing as you walk through the back alleys of spain?

Alex said...

I do like the glasses...