Yep... we have an eiffel tower, and it has a disgusting red cowboy hat on top of it. You'd think it'd attract tourists, but they built it right next to a campbell soup plant... and the air smells like creamy mexican tortillas mixed with dead chicken. Oh, and garlic.
My parents wonder why I'd rather be in Italy all summer...
With that being said, Paris is just the same as when I left it. However, there are a few exceptions... we have a Starbucks, Pet-Co is moving in across from the wall mart, and Target is on it's way (or so I've heard).
My family, on the other hand, has decided to invest in cows. It was really sudden, and took us all by surprise. My dad became a rancher overnight. It was weird at first, but we're adjusting. They're kinda cute... the cows, I mean. My dad insisted that we bring our lawn chairs out to the farm, so we could watch them. And by watch.. I mean watch. We sat for AT LEAST an hour watching large animals eat grass. Their domestic cows. They let my dad pet them and they eat out of his hand... I don't think that's normal. But neither is an eiffel tower with a red cowboy hat... I need to get out of here.
I will be in Florence from May 17th - July 28th. Please call me if you'll be there.. actually I'll be pissed if you don't. My international number is +39 335-764-1966 (p.s.- I just felt REALLY cool saying 'My international number...')
I miss you guys!
However you end things,
1 comment:
The fact that you write exactly how you speak makes me miss you just a tiny bit less.
Can't wait to dial that international number and hear "Ciao?"
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