Monday, May 12, 2008

Macs and Ipods

Dear Bloggers,
I have swallowed my pride and clicked on the link in my email. I don't know what my life has come to. Just got back froma trip to Palo Duro Canyon where a bunch of highschool friends and yours truly slept under the stars and hiked under the sun for 3 days. In 3 days I can count on one hand what I ate, regardless, it was a great time and it was a pretty amazing trip. Even though the burb's transmission exploded and we had to push it any time we needed to back up.

That was really short. Sometime in this next week I'll learn how to put pictures in. I am a definite blog noob (aka. bloob or the shortened word...boob)

Zack I was so engraged by your Mac cockiness that I bought 3 I phones and plan to use them in the place of golf tees. I think u r funny tho. P4G13 15 DuM3. Crack the leet speech

Peace and Love,


Growing Dallas said...

it's iPhone.

not I phone.

what a non-apple user...

aaron said...

get em zach