Friday, June 25, 2010

New Kid

3:57pm Genesis office

Beloved Friendgroup,

I'm winding down at the end of my second week here at Genesis Women's Shelter, and I had a little time to blog. Don't be jealous.

Well Wednesday morning I was approached by my supervisor,because she wanted me to do my first intial intake with a client. Initial intakes are a big responsibility, so I was honored that she thought I was ready for one. (i'm a fast learner) So I spent all morning preparing for my client, and finally it was time to meet with her. I was supervised during this intake, since it was my first one. And naturally I was nervous...


Let's flashback to my first week of work for a sec:

I spent all week trying to make my office "my style", so I spent countless hours with Katelyn at Northpark trying to find cute nick nacks for my office. (One of those cute "nick nacks" was a candle.) So by the end of the week, my office looked wicked.


I needed to get my client's file ready, so I had a lot of paperwork spread out all over my desk. I put her file down, and looked away for a second. And in a matter of seconds I had lit my first client's file on fire, because I accidentally placed it on that damn nick nack candle that was sitting on my desk .

You live you learn. Watch out for fires.


Sol "i am still employed" Fuentes

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Through the Looking Glass

Hi friends,

I just thought I would share this picture of myself sitting at my desk with you all. If you ever wonder what I am doing at work you can just picture me staring at my computer screen just as I am above. I'm sure you all are glad I have captured this image and that I am saving you all a lot of thought by providing it for public viewing.

The Richards Group for life,


P.S. I'm pretty sure the only reason I was able to come up with the title for this post is that it is the name of a LOST episode

P.P.S. It is weird to sit at your desk and take a picture of yourself with Photo Booth, I think I successfully escaped notice though

Friday, June 11, 2010

Mississippi Delta< Texas

I've started my time with Teach for America here in the Mississippi Delta. If there's anything I can encourage you all with and ask of you all, it is that we would not be complacent. In our faith and everything that our faith impacts.

This world has way too many problems for us to sit back and pat ourselves on the back. Strive to live missional lives my friends. Grace inspires action, dont let your hearts be calloused.

I look forward to getting in touch with you all soon. Shoot me an email if you get this at I hope to stay in touch with you all so that we can encourage each other in our adventures. I hope you are all learning new things and experiencing joy to the fullest.

Much love,

Wednesday, June 9, 2010


I'm not completely sure why the graduation ceremony is called "commencement" since it occurs at the end of your college career. It's probably some lighthearted witticism about how we are commencing our new lives beyond the horizon of college.

Well, don't buy into this propaganda, friends. Perhaps if college had been strewn with laziness, boring holidays, an assortment of unscrupulous relationships, habitual drunkenness and ugly friends - perhaps then we would have reason for this "commencement" to renew our ridiculous lives. As it is, we can claim the opposite and rejoice that our commencement began years ago! We are so ahead of the game, friends. Beautiful, adventurous, witty, charming, ambitious... we have only one flaw - our flaky upkeep of this blog.

I challenge you, therefore, to dedicate your college "commencement" to our beloved blog, as a re-commencement of your participation in one of the easiest ways we have to keep up with each other. I challenge you to keep Alex Toney riveted to his chair as he peruses your exploits with approval and fashions his comments to show maximum wittiness.

I look forward to reading about everyones stories, just as you look forward to reading my brutally honest, yet sufficiently loving, tomments.

most sincerely, your friend,
