Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Through the Looking Glass

Hi friends,

I just thought I would share this picture of myself sitting at my desk with you all. If you ever wonder what I am doing at work you can just picture me staring at my computer screen just as I am above. I'm sure you all are glad I have captured this image and that I am saving you all a lot of thought by providing it for public viewing.

The Richards Group for life,


P.S. I'm pretty sure the only reason I was able to come up with the title for this post is that it is the name of a LOST episode

P.P.S. It is weird to sit at your desk and take a picture of yourself with Photo Booth, I think I successfully escaped notice though


Sol Fuentes said...

"Through the Looking-Glass, and What Alice Found There" is also a piece of children's literature by Lewis Carroll.

Add that to your trivia knowledge Blood bath.

Alex said...

I love how photo booth takes photos in mirror image: It's Eitak...

...Katie's cut-throat-professional alter-ego.

Max Golden said...

Pam Beasley?