Friday, June 25, 2010

New Kid

3:57pm Genesis office

Beloved Friendgroup,

I'm winding down at the end of my second week here at Genesis Women's Shelter, and I had a little time to blog. Don't be jealous.

Well Wednesday morning I was approached by my supervisor,because she wanted me to do my first intial intake with a client. Initial intakes are a big responsibility, so I was honored that she thought I was ready for one. (i'm a fast learner) So I spent all morning preparing for my client, and finally it was time to meet with her. I was supervised during this intake, since it was my first one. And naturally I was nervous...


Let's flashback to my first week of work for a sec:

I spent all week trying to make my office "my style", so I spent countless hours with Katelyn at Northpark trying to find cute nick nacks for my office. (One of those cute "nick nacks" was a candle.) So by the end of the week, my office looked wicked.


I needed to get my client's file ready, so I had a lot of paperwork spread out all over my desk. I put her file down, and looked away for a second. And in a matter of seconds I had lit my first client's file on fire, because I accidentally placed it on that damn nick nack candle that was sitting on my desk .

You live you learn. Watch out for fires.


Sol "i am still employed" Fuentes

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